Historic Oakwood has been the go to spot for young Trick-or-Treaters for the past few years and parents are thankful! It’s fun, it’s chaotic, it’s scary and most of all, IT’S SAFE!
The streets of Historic Oakwood are usually rather quiet at night, the streets are well lit and the most action you’ll usually find is a young couple walking their dog. But on Halloween, it’s an entirely different. The police come in just before sunset to prepare for the ordered chaos that shall ensue. The focal point of the chaos is the intersection of Oakwood Ave & N. East st. The house on the corner is quite the spectacle, there are scary decorations all over the yard, on the porch and covering the roof. All the houses on the block pack plenty of candy for the swarm of children that own the streets every Halloween night.
This is a great experience for children of all ages as well as adults. Everyone is welcome and every year there are more people taking part in the festivities.
Below is just a sample of how some of the homes are decorated, you’ll need to come out yourself if you want to see what all the fuss is really all about!
For more photos and a deeper look into Jesse, the individual who started this new annual tradition, visit our friends over at BitAndGrain.com.
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